Aikido Village honours Michael Williams Sensei

Aikido Village was pleased to present Michael Williams Sensei a lifetime achievement award on Saturday 15 October 2022 for his distinguished service to aikido in Australia.
Michael introduced ki-aikido to Australia when he started classes at Griffith University in 1981. He relocated to Byron Bay in 1987 and built Goshinkan dojo, the headquarters for ki-aikido in Australia from 1991 to 2006. Michael was the head of the Ki Society in Australia from 1985 to 2001 before embarking on the global expansion of Aikido Yuishinkai in 2002 as International Chief Instructor. Michael founded his own school of aikido, Goshinkai, in 2014. Through his efforts hundreds of dojos have been established worldwide and many dojos in Australia owe their existence to his efforts. he has touched the lives of thousands of people through his Aikido and continues to pursue his personal study of Aikido and to share it with others.

Aikido Village is an international meeting place that transcends schools, styles and hierarchies. Through a collaborative approach we seek to reconnect with the heart of aikido; appreciate the insights from different styles and teachers; and seek to use all of the tools of the West to help us understand and invigorate this fabulous art from the East. Aikido Village provides no syllabus or promotions, we focus solely on offering opportunities for people to explore aikido further.
While villagers engage mostly regularly online due to the challenge of geography, a friendship seminar is planned for March 2023 in South Tweed.
The award was presented by Andrew Sunter, Daniel James, Mark Evans and Mark Albrecht who are co-creators of Aikido Village and between them represent over a century of dedicated training in aikido.

The award was signed by 53 of Michael’s current and former students who have all gone on to run aikido dojos of their own around Australia as well as in New Zealand, Singapore, Laos and the UK.

Standing: John Ward, Steve Phillips, Gess Vella, Andrew Long, Mark Evans, Andrew Sunter, John Gam, Michael Williams, Daniel James, Mark Albrecht, Rod Nixon-Smith, Sharma Wrightson, Benjamin Tan, Elisabeth Andel, Dave Matthews, Steve Dows, John Dell
Seated: Mark Campbell, Shane Griffiths, Joe Hansen, Joanne Martin, Michael Karkkainen, Lawrence Ellyard.
Signatories not in photo:
Rudran Brannock, Stuart Clifford, Cate Coupe, Tracey Griffin, Kate Gunton, Chris Hall, Barry Hamilton, Margaret (Hassett) Harley, Galina Ivanova, Martin John, James McGlone, Jim Nicholls, Russell O’Connor, Simon Russell, Daniel Rylatt, Catherine Schnell, Jimmy Smith, Jonathan Temporal, Michael Vanderdonk, Mac White, Lou Whittaker, Bob Withers
Peter Costin-Neilsen, Alison Lane, Anthony Rasmussen, Clem Sturgess, Thom Hansen, Sid Monthulé, Aran Bright, Beau McGuffie, Tony Neal